In a Weak Moment...
I thought it was a good idea to join my son Chris and complete the 75 Hard Challenge. I’ll start by saying I am not done! Today is day 30. I still have 45 days left, but I will share my takeaways so far…
Giving Up Alcohol Can Be Empowering
I thought this would be my biggest challenge, but I’m pleasantly pleased to say that it has been easy compared to some of the other rules. With that being said, I am starting to look forward to that first glass of red wine.
I would find this more rewarding if I felt different, but I don’t
Although I didn't feel bad when I first started the challenge, I had anticipated feeling something after all of the holiday get-togethers. I had expected to have increased energy, improved Peloton performance, and possibly even more REM sleep. Nope!
Too Much of a Good Thing Does Exist When it Comes to Exercise
After starting the 75 Hard Challenge, I quickly realized the significance of rest days. Despite choosing to make one 45-minute workout relatively easy, I began experiencing burnout. This weather is definitely not helping. Remember, at least one 45-minute workout has to be outside. As someone who has always enjoyed working out, I don’t like that I now look at my Peloton and think ugh! This, by far, has been my biggest challenge of 75 Hard!
Diets Don’t Work For Me They Usually Backfire
Early on I decided just to try to eat more plant-based. Just the word diet triggers something in me so I knew that I wasn’t going to last if I had to restrict what I eat. This is the area where some would say I am cheating. About 80% of my food intake is healthy, the rest I enjoy guilt-free.
My Overall Verdict!
At this point, I can confirm that I wouldn't recommend the 75 Hard Challenge.
To be honest, I am gaining some benefits from it,
such as reading more and drinking less, but that's pretty much it.
There are more effective and less extreme ways of challenging yourself and improving your health and fitness.
I think it's important to be kind to yourself and acknowledge that you can work towards your goals with the resources available to you at the moment. You don't have to go all out to achieve progress, any progress towards your goals counts.
Therefore, progress over perfection will be my motto.
If you ever decide to do 75 Hard,
I found online a FREE 75 HARD TRACKER to use HERE 75 HARD TRACKER
I find it’s helping me stay focused!
Much Love,